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Integrated Space-Terrestrial Networking and Management

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNChapter

Publication date25/11/2021
Host publicationFuture Networks, Services and Management
EditorsMehmet Toy
Place of PublicationCham
ISBN (electronic)9783030819613
ISBN (print)9783030819606
<mark>Original language</mark>English


Future Internet will utilise numerous methods of communication, including an increasing amount of space-based Internet transport infrastructure. Control and communication across Earth-based space-based networks present several problems—high dynamicity, spatial connectivity, continual movement tracking and prediction, ocular obstruction, integration with existing Internet infrastructure, routing, and addressing—all of which challenge existing control architectures and protocol mechanisms. This chapter provides an overview of near-to-mid-term space networking towards 2030; it outlines the key components, challenges, and requirements for integrating future space-based network infrastructure with existing networks and mechanisms. We highlight the network control and transport interconnection and identify the resources and functions required for successful interconnection of space-based and Earth-based Internet infrastructure. Finally, we discuss the management implications of these integrated assets and resources and potential technologies and capabilities that may be applied or extended.