This article discusses the educational potential of digital storytelling as an emerging research and practice area, and focuses on modalities of bridging the gap between research-based innovation and implementation in formal education. The main argument put forward is that the educational potential of DST can be best exploited by its conceptualisation as an educational activity, aligned to the pedagogical curriculum and designed with a view to reaching specific educational objectives. The feasibility of this position is exemplified by introducing digital storytelling as an educational activity (DSTEA), a framework for the design, implementation and evaluation of DST experiences in formal educational settings. The three main features of DSTEA: 1) alignment to the scholarly curriculum; 2) focus on generation of educational outcomes; 3) co-design involving researchers and school teachers-frame DST as an educational activity customisable to the needs of each pedagogical context, and prone to become part of the structured approach to learning that schools worldwide employ.