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Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNForeword/postscript

Publication date1/01/2022
Host publicationSaudi Arabia and Iran: The struggle to shape the Middle East
EditorsSimon Mabon, Edward Wastnidge
Place of PublicationManchester
PublisherManchester University Press
Number of pages13
ISBN (electronic)9781526150844
ISBN (print)9781526150837
<mark>Original language</mark>English

Publication series

NameIdentities and Geopolitics in the Middle East
PublisherManchester University Press


Efforts to understand the rivalry between Riyadh and Tehran have produced a body of literature that can be separated into three camps. The first suggests that the rivalry is best understood through a balance of power in the Gulf. The second suggests that religion plays a prominent role in shaping the nature of the rivalry and that so-called proxy conflicts have been drawn along sectarian lines. The third suggests that a more nuanced approach is needed, drawing upon concerns about regime power and legitimacy – externally and internally – with instrumentalised use of religious difference. This chapter introduces the broader parameters of the debate around the Iran–Saudi rivalry, incorporating key works in the field to date. It also provides a historical contextualisation of this key geopolitical relationship. This introductory chapter concludes by outlining the individual chapter contributions to the volume.