This research provides an overview of the large-scale physical model experiments conducted at the Canal d'Investigaciò i Esperimentaciò Mar‘ıtima, Laboratori d'Enginyeria Mar‘ıtima, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, within the EU-Hydralab III Integrated Infrastructure Initiative. The model tests have been carried out in a flume with a sandy dune exposed to a combination of water levels and wave conditions. Different regimes of wave attacks on the sandy beach/dune system were investigated. In particular, the study provides a unique set of large-scale physical data concerning the wave-induced dune overwash. Measurements of velocities, sediment concentrations and beach–dune profile evolutions were considered. The profile measurements have been used to calibrate and validate a numerical model predicting the beach–dune profile modifications over the near-shore region. The numerical model compares well with the experimental data.