Forest mapping from satellite sensor imagery provides important information for the timely monitoring of forest growth and deforestation, bioenergy potential assessment, and modeling of carbon flux, among others. Due to the daily global revisit rate and wide swath width, MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images are used commonly for satellite-derived forest mapping at both regional and global scales. However, the spatial resolution of MODIS images is too coarse to observe fine spatial variation in forest cover. The last few decades have seen the production of several fine-spatial-resolution satellite-derived global forest cover maps, such as Hansen's global tree canopy cover map of 2000, which includes abundant spectral, temporal, and spatial prior information about forest cover at a fine spatial resolution. In this paper, a novel learning-based spatial-temporal superresolution mapping approach is proposed to integrate both current MODIS images and prior maps of Hansen's tree canopy cover, to map present forest cover with a fine spatial resolution. The novel approach is composed of three main stages: 1) automatic generation of 240-m forest proportion images from both 240- and 480-m MODIS images using a nonlinear learning-based spectral unmixing method; 2) downscaling the 240-m forest proportion images to 30 m to predict the class possibilities at the subpixel scale using a temporal-example learning-based downscaling method; and 3) final production of the fine-spatial-resolution forest map by solving a regularization-based optimization problem. The novel approach produced more accurate fine-spatial-resolution forest cover maps in terms of both visual and quantitative evaluation than traditional pixel-based classification and the latest subpixel based superresolution mapping methods. The results show the great efficiency and potential of the novel approach for producing fine-spatial-resolution forest maps from MODIS images.
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