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Live project: understanding the design process from the project brief to post occupancy evaluation

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNOther chapter contribution

Publication date30/03/2020
Host publicationEducation, Design and Practice : Understanding skills in a Complex World
EditorsEllyn Lester , Graham Cairns , Eric An
Place of PublicationStevens Institute of Technology, USA
Number of pages9
ISBN (electronic)2398-9467
<mark>Original language</mark>English
EventEducation, Design and Practice: Understanding Skills in a complex world - Stevens Institute of Technolog, New Jersey, United States
Duration: 17/06/201919/06/2019
Conference number: 17.2


ConferenceEducation, Design and Practice
Abbreviated titleAMPS
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityNew Jersey


ConferenceEducation, Design and Practice
Abbreviated titleAMPS
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityNew Jersey


The live project was delivered to second year students in the BA (Hons) Architecture program at Birmingham School of Architecture and Design at Birmingham City University in the academic year 2018/19. The students were asked to design an external structure for an outdoor area in a Montessori Kindergarten. They had the option of either designing a tree house, a new play house, a shelter for the forest school or an amphitheatre. All projects were to be located in the extended garden of the nursery on adjacent sites. After the initial design stage ended in February 2019 with a presentation of all projects to the client (the nursery managers), two selected projects were then built in June 2019, during the school’s events week with a group of students. A few weeks after the hand-over of the completed projects, some of the students as well as the tutors went back to the nursery to conduct a Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) of the projects. In order to experience the design and construction phases, this live project was composed in eight stages, directly related to the RIBA Plan of Work, which “recognises the stages that a building project goes through and promotes the importance of recording and disseminating information about completed projects.”vi The project therefore required the students to integrate structural and technological solutions into their design proposals