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Living By Industry: architecture and urban design interventions within post-industrial landscapes

Research output: Exhibits, objects and web-based outputsExhibition

Publication date27/04/2017
Media of outputDrawing
<mark>Original language</mark>English


The exhibition Living By Industry showcases theoretical projects produced by architects, academics and students from the North of England that are set within, and derive inspiration from, post-industrial landscapes. The curators of the work recognise similarities and parallels in the industrial landscape of Ukraine and those of the North of England.

The exhibition also includes a speculative project for Izolyatsia looks to regenerate the IZONE building and its wider landscape into a cultural quarter for Kyiv. The project envisages creating exhibition spaces; studios and workshops for artists and designers; event spaces; living accommodation; cafés and recreational venues; and an open air theatre.

The project is part of a long-term initiative Architecture Ukraine by Izolyatsia, started in 2015 and thus far comprising an international artist-in-residence programme in the city of Mariupol, two pop-up exhibitions, and a collateral event of the Biennale Architettura 2016.