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Accepted author manuscript, 593 KB, PDF document
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Final published version
Research output: Contribution to Journal/Magazine › Journal article › peer-review
Article number | 8959315 |
<mark>Journal publication date</mark> | 1/04/2020 |
<mark>Journal</mark> | IEEE Communications Letters |
Issue number | 4 |
Volume | 24 |
Number of pages | 5 |
Pages (from-to) | 853-857 |
Publication Status | Published |
Early online date | 14/01/20 |
<mark>Original language</mark> | English |
Non orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) and mobile edge computing (MEC) are evolving as key enablers for fifth generation (5G) networks as this combination can provide high spectral efficiency, improved quality-of-service (QoS), and lower latency. This letter aims to minimize the transaction time difference of two NOMA paired users offloading data to MEC servers by optimizing their transmission powers and computational resources of severs using a successive convex approximation method. The equalization of transaction time for paired users reduces the wastage of both frequency and computational resources, and improves effective throughput of the system to 19% on average.