Software Fault Injection (SFI) is an established
technique for assessing the robustness of a software under test by
exposing it to faults in its operational environment. Depending on
the complexity of this operational environment, the complexity
of the software under test, and the number and type of faults,
a thorough SFI assessment can entail (a) numerous experiments
and (b) long experiment run times, which both contribute to a
considerable execution time for the tests.
In order to counteract this increase when dealing with complex
systems, recent works propose to exploit parallel hardware to
execute multiple experiments at the same time. While PArallel
fault INjections (PAIN) yield higher experiment throughput,
they are based on an implicit assumption of non-interference
among the simultaneously executing experiments. In this paper
we investigate the validity of this assumption and determine
the trade-off between increased throughput and the accuracy
of experimental results obtained from PAIN experiments