Performance modelling of the UV-LED based reactor presents unique set of challenges. Intensity of the light propagating from a multitude of small sources can be varying in all three dimensions. Therefore, it is important to accurately model the Light Intensity Distribution (LID) inside of the reactor to ensure the UV fluence distribution is even. Furthermore, flow dynamics inside of the reactor is another important variable. It is modelled using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and expressed as flow trajectories also known as streamlines. Integration of the LID data and the CFD results is vital when analyzing the reactor design and predicting its performance.
In this study, we present a methodology to predict the dose and its distribution in a UV-LED reactor. Moreover, we present metrics to quantify the effect that distribution has on the overall performance of the reactor. We apply this methodology in a case study where we model the state-of-the-art large scale commercial UV LED reactor for a varying set of flow and UV Transmittance (UVT) conditions within its validated range. The performance envelope of a reactor modelled in this case study is 70 to 98 %/cm UVT and 28 to 501 m³/h (12 MLD) flow rate for up to 4 log inactivation of Cryptosporidium, Giardia and adenovirus. Validation was conducted in conjunction with the German Water Centre (TZW) and Carollo Engineers, Inc.