In 2022, ETRA moved its publication of full papers to a journal-based model, and we are delighted to present the second issue of the Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction to focus on contributions from the Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA) community. ETRA is the premier eye-tracking conference that brings together researchers from across disciplines to present advances and innovations in oculomotor research, eye tracking systems, eye movement data analysis, eye tracking applications, and gaze-based interaction. This issue presents 13 full papers accepted for presentation at ETRA 2023 (May 30 - June 2, 2023, in Tübingen, Germany) selected from 37 submissions (35% acceptance rate). We are grateful to all authors for the exciting contributions they have produced and to the Editorial Board and external reviewers for their effort during the entire rigorous reviewing process which resulted in high-quality and insightful reviews for all submitted articles.