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Passive gamma-ray analysis of UO2 fuel rods using SrI2(Eu) scintillators in multi-detector arrangements

Research output: Contribution to conference - Without ISBN/ISSN Abstractpeer-review

Publication date6/11/2023
<mark>Original language</mark>English
Event2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium - Vancouver, Canada
Duration: 4/11/202311/11/2023


Conference2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium


The use of passive gamma analysis (PGA) to interrogate nuclear fuel rods for quality assurance and non-proliferation purposes has been demonstrated to be as efficient and safer than the more common neutron activation analysis (NAA) for fresh fuel assessment. In this work we will build on existing experimental measurements using a single probe SrI2(Eu), to simulate the response of a multi-probe SrI2(Eu) detector array in the analysis of nuclear fuel rods, containing sintered UO2. The work compares the results to literature studies using bismuth germinate and annulus CsI(Tl) multi-probes to evaluate light water reactor fuel rods. The enhanced scintillation performance of SrI2(Eu) over CsI(Tl) and BGO make it ideally suited for nuclear fuel inspection.