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Performance evaluation of congestion window validation for DASH transport

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNConference contribution/Paperpeer-review

  • Sajid Nazir
  • Ziaul Hossain
  • Raffaello Secchi
  • Matthew Broadbent
  • Andreas Petlund
  • Gorry Fairhurst
Publication date19/03/2014
Host publicationNOSSDAV '14 Proceedings of Network and Operating System Support on Digital Audio and Video Workshop
Place of PublicationNew York
Number of pages6
ISBN (print)9781450327060
<mark>Original language</mark>English


A recent proposed update to TCP congestion control, TCP-newCWV, has targeted congestion control for rate-limited applications. These methods need to be explored in the context of rate-adaptive applications, such as DASH. The new method enables a client to exploit the persistence of a DASH connection and enables the DASH server to rapidly resume transmission of a series of video segments using a single TCP connection. Another technique, called 'Pacing' smoothes DASH bursts when there is no TCP ACK clock, and is shown to significantly reduce burst loss. These two methods in combination can increase the application performance. This paper investigates the effect of implementing these techniques on a DASH flow in different congestion scenarios and whether the method can promote better capacity sharing while minimizing the latency experienced by other flows sharing a common network bottleneck. The results confirm that newCWV with Pacing provides a benefit as a platform for DASH transport.