The transport sector is responsible for a considerable amount greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions worldwide, especially road transport which accounts for almost 95% of total GHGs. Electric vehicles (EVs) significantly reduce GHG emissions and are a promising possibility. With a fossil-fuel-based generation system, however, EVs can produce more GHGs and therefore cannot be regarded as purely environmental-friendly. As a result, renewable energy sources (RES) like photovoltaic (PV) can be integrated into the EV charging infrastructure, yielding sustainable transportation as well as utilizing the EV battery as their energy storage. This paper focuses on the state-of-the-art literature on power converter topologies that integrate the utility grid, EV, and PV. Comparison is made in terms of their topologies, isolation, power and voltage ranges, efficiency, bi-directional power capability for V2G operation, pros and cons, etc. Attention is devoted to bidirectional isolated and non-isolated EV-interfaced converters. A brief description on EV charger types, power levels, and their standards is provided. It is envisaged that the in-formation provided in this paper would be useful as a one-stop source of information for engineers and researchers who seek information related to EV charging infrastructures.