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  • Re-Imagining the Harris Museum

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Re-imagining the Harris Museum: Drawings for a Central Exhibition Space

Research output: Exhibits, objects and web-based outputsDesign

Publication date5/06/2018
Media of outputDrawing
Size28 pages
<mark>Original language</mark>English


This project speculates on modular and adaptable exhibition space designs for temporary installation and celebration of the collection. It forms part of the initial project for the Re-Imagining of the Harris Museum. Carved proudly on the outside of the Grade I listed Harris building is the inscription, ‘The Mental Riches You May Here Acquire Abide with You Always’. The Victorian founders’ vision was that the Harris Free Library, Museum & Art Gallery would be the focus of culture, arts and learning, an embodiment of aspirations in late 19th century Preston. The project is inspired by those founders’ early ambitions, whilst also responding to the needs of the people of the city and the region for the next generation. The aim is to create a more flexible and accessible community-adaptable exhibition space for it's collection. The project is being led jointly by Preston City Council, which owns and manages the Harris building and the museum and art gallery, and by Lancashire County Council, which runs the library service.

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