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RIBA Artificial Intelligence Report 2024

Research output: Book/Report/ProceedingsOther report

Publication date29/02/2024
<mark>Original language</mark>English


The RIBA Artificial Intelligence Report (AI) details the findings of the Expert Advisory Group for AI and Data with a survey of 500+ RIBA members about AI and what it means for practice and the profession, framed by expert articles covering some of the important issues AI raises.

As new tech tools have become available over the past year to 18 months, there has been an increased intensity to the discussion about the future of artificial intelligence (AI) and what it means for society and the architectural profession.

The RIBA AI report provides a member-given evidence base for that discussion.

The report includes detailed findings about:

- Current and future use of AI in the profession- what AI is used for in practice now and what applications it will have in the near future.
- The opportunities AI offers the architecture and construction industries.
- What risks might lie ahead.
- The ethical considerations of AI use in architecture.