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#sendeanlat (#tellyourstory): Text Analyses of Tweets About Sexual Assault Experiences

Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

<mark>Journal publication date</mark>1/12/2019
<mark>Journal</mark>Sexuality Research and Social Policy
Issue number4
Number of pages13
Pages (from-to)463–475
Publication StatusPublished
Early online date6/10/18
<mark>Original language</mark>English


On 11 February 2015, a 20-year-old university student, Ozgecan Aslan, was violently murdered in an attempted rape in Mersin, southern Turkey. This event led to a mass Twitter protest in the country. Women across the country started sharing the hashtag #sendeanlat (“#tellyourstory” in English). In the current exploratory study, 164,279 original tweets were analyzed using the text analytic approach called the Meaning Extraction Method. Results revealed the key themes of reactions to victim blaming, honor culture/namus, assault experiences, social media, and women’s responsibility. Policy, media, and mental-health-related implications and future research directions are discussed.