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Shared Mobility: Where now, where next?: Second Report of the Commission on Travel Demand

Research output: Book/Report/ProceedingsCommissioned report

Publication date17/09/2019
PublisherCentre for Research in Energy Demand Solutions
Number of pages40
ISBN (electronic)9781913299019
<mark>Original language</mark>English


The Commission on Travel Demand is an expert group established as part of our work to explore how to reduce the energy and carbon emissions associated with transport.

The Commission’s first report reviewed declining trends in per capita travel across the UK and the reasons for this. The future work programme will focus on other areas of policy which are critical to rapid decarbonisation.
This inquiry focuses on shared mobility and the potential to increase the occupancy of vehicles in-use, reduce individual ownership of assets and enhance multi-modal travel. We are using the term ‘shared mobility’ to mean:
• Shared ownership: where the use of the vehicle asset is shared across individuals incorporating various models of commercially or peer-to-peer operated ‘car club’s’/car sharing schemes, fractional car ownership, bike sharing schemes.
• Shared at the point of use: Car/ride sharing (or trip sharing) – rides that are actually shared between different individuals or different parties, sometimes paid separately. In the future, this may include ‘robot taxis’ as shared mobility where the vehicle is shared across individuals.