The current outcome is two sketchbooks included in a national peer reviewed exhibition of contemporary British Artists’ sketchbooks (38 artists, 42 sketchbooks selected) including full colour illustrated catalogue. My work is used on the website ( see URL above).
This output comes from research in artists working processes and the documentation, discussion and dissemination of these.
The sketchbooks explore the nature of the book structure and the possibilities for drawing within that. The work has developed from research with scientists and inquiry into shared working procedures in certain sciences and art. This has resulted in new forms of drawing and new approaches to discussing it (e.g. from the perspective of the scientific experiment).
One of four artists to have 2 books shortlisted for the only national prize for sketchbook drawing in the UK. Selected by high profile, internationally esteemed panel (i.e. Petherbridge).
Rabley Drawing centre is engaged with disseminating and promoting contemporary drawing through projects such as the Sketch Drawing Prize which is to be a biannual event. It also hosts residencies and represents internationally renown artists: (e.g. Gillian Ayres, Humphrey Ocean, Emma Stibbon..)
The Exhibition and Conference at Lincoln was an international forum to explore innovative approaches to using or contextualising the sketchbook in contemporary practice.
The work leading to these outputs has been developed and tested through earlier iterations in other national and international forums. This includes exhibition (The Moment of Privacy has Passed, Usher Gallery Lincoln 11Dec 2010 – 6 March 2011) ;
and international conference papers : Recto Verso, Redefining the Sketchbook (The Collection, Lincoln, UK 10-11 Feb 2011) ; The European Association for Science Studies annual conference (Trento University, Italy 2-4th Sept 2010). The works were also presented at the Experimental Society International conference at Lancaster: this included exhibition and verbal presentation.
The latter two examples were dissemination of this material to broader interdisciplinary audience , predominantly from the sciences and social sciences.
This works LICA cluster of Languages of process, exploring creative decision making process and how this may be documented and communicated.