Capturing vehicular travel behavior is one of the most popular models that deal with relevant aspects of urban regions and communities. Since 1960s, it has been matured and evolved to cover all aspects of travel demand applications. Different theories are employed to predict the movement of trip makers’ likewise metric method and the estimation of origin-destination matrixes, intervening opportunities method which counts more on probabilities, and finally the
spatial configuration modeling. The latter is to apply topo-geometrical analysis to arrive at configurational measures that can optimally approximate movement patterns in the urban network. Space syntax is an alternative approach to estimate conventional vehicular travel demand without using O-D matrix trip data, which is difficult to be obtained.
Space Syntax is an alternative approach to predict the vehicular movement in urban systems using the concept of accessibility measures (syntactic measures and maps) which reflects the complexity of routes from a road segment to all the others within the system. The syntactic approach is employed in this study to simulate a particular mobility system; electric vehicles (EVs) cluster. Simulating EVs’-systems is a subset of the conventional traffic modeling entire group. In
particular, EV modeling environment set-up and configurations differ due to the special paradigms and behavioral characteristic aspects the system has. EV market is a niche market though it is expanding. This paper maps the current EV systems and focuses on one of which that needs prompt actions to be taken to have a mainstream supported and reliable market of EVs.
Charging service is a thorny problem annoys the current users and hinders potential users to switch to low carbon emission vehicle purchase option. The study area located in the North East region of United Kingdom is investigated in detail. Spatial configuratioal analysis of the inner urban core of the metropolitan area, Newcastle-Gateshead, NE1 is undertaken. This paper presents a methodology to integrate configuratiomal modeling of NE1 to simulate the mobility mode within the context. Spatial analysis and segment maps have been generated via the use of Depthmap research software. Real information about users was collected from the service providers to employ some the simulation assumptions. A multi model simulation modeling is
developed while incorporating configurational modeling to build the urban layer of an EV simulation environment. Space syntax analysis is conducted by using the open source application, Depthmap. Simulation is developed via a commercial tool, Anylogic. The paper views the necessary steps of forming and analyzing the urban system facilitating the integration of EV system to run the simulation.