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The Financial Causality Extraction Shared Task (FinCausal 2022)

Research output: Contribution to conference - Without ISBN/ISSN Conference paperpeer-review

Publication date15/06/2022
Number of pages3
<mark>Original language</mark>English
EventThe 4th Financial Narrative Processing Workshop - Palais du Pharo, Marseille, France
Duration: 24/06/202224/06/2022
Conference number: 4


WorkshopThe 4th Financial Narrative Processing Workshop
Abbreviated titleFNP 2022
Internet address


We present the FinCausal 2020 Shared Task on Causality Detection in Financial Documents and the associated FinCausal dataset, and discuss the participating systems and results. The task focuses on detecting if an object, an event or a chain of events is considered a cause for a prior event. This shared task focuses on determining causality associated with a quantified fact. An event is defined as the arising or emergence of a new object or context in regard to a previous situation. Therefore, the task will emphasise the detection of causality associated with transformation of financial objects embedded in quantified facts. A total number of 7 teams submitted system runs to the FinCausal task and contributed with a system description paper. FinCausal shared task is associated with the 4th Financial Narrative Processing Workshop (FNP 2022) (El-Haj et al., 2022) which is held at the The 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2022) in Marseille, France, on June 24, 2022.