The growth of domestic energy and emissions impacts correlates with growing digital technology
(e.g. ICT, consumer electronics) domestication and usage. New and ‘smarter’ technology,
cloud based services, and on-demand content are reshaping how, when and where
digital technologies are drawn upon, with the trend being one of escalation for manufacturing
(more devices purchased more often) and network reliance (more and more services
are becoming ‘cloud’ oriented). This escalation raises concerns over the environmental impacts
of domestic digital technology, due to its use more frequently, and across more social
practices. Motivated by this growth, there is now an even greater need to understand the underlying
social situations and expectations that predicate certain ways and intensities of ICT
in practice. The expectations of others, obsolescence (designed, or otherwise), changes of
circumstances, life transitions, quality of experience, and expectations of technology all
put pressure on users (or practitioners) contributing to the reshaping of social practices that
involve digital technology. Previous focus on eco-feedback and behaviour change, along with more current understandings
of digital technology variation and escalation, are not terribly insightful or necessarily
linked to demand. Due to this, the variations in social practices, and the links to
the varying energy impacts of households, are often overlooked. To move towards an improved
understanding of digital technology’s role in social practices there is a need for both
increased understanding of that role, and how these practices link to energy and emissions
impacts. By improving this understanding it is possible to uncover the contexts in which
energy demand occurs, and where it may be possible to lower energy demands. Through
understanding the contexts of digital technology in social practices it is possible to gain
deeper insights into the reasons for demand and impact variation. To date there has been no application of a method that links qualitative (e.g. semistructured
interviews, photo elicitation) and quantitative data (e.g. per-device consumption
data, per-application network traffic analysis) to provide a full understanding of how digital
technologies are implicated in domestic social practices and energy demand. Based on
mixed methods research, the three main contributions of this thesis collectively demonstrate how researchers and designers can gain a more nuanced understanding of the energy and
everyday life impacts that are linked to digital technologies. Such understandings can result
in very different implications for design, and un-design of digital technology, compared to
that of prior work. First, through the combination of per-device energy monitoring across thirty-one participants,
life-cycle analysis calculations, and semi-structured interviews, I bring to light a)
the need for combining multiple methods, and b) broader scoped findings, contextualised
by observations of practice, that go beyond more typical quantitative energy and emissions
analysis. This contribution reveals the need for deeper understandings of the adoption and
energy consumption of digital technologies. Through the combination of qualitative (e.g. semi-structured interviews) and quantitative
data (e.g. per-device consumption data, per-application network traffic analysis) my
second contribution demonstrates how modern mobile ICT (tablets, smart phones) enables
loosening of the temporal and spatial constraints associated with non-mobile ICT. This loosening
leads to the increased frequency of performances of social practices that were previously
more static (performed in-place), leading to increased demand on Internet and cloud
services. Third, to provide a deeper understanding of the roles of digital technology in social practices,
I explore the meanings and competencies that surround digital technologies. Using
interviews structured around photo elicitation, I explore the integration of digital technologies
in ten participants’ lives. This contribution reveals how the connections between digital
technologies, convenience, meaning, and competency lead to growth in individual and sets
of devices, practices, users, and across different spaces. Thus, grounded in findings from three mixed-methods studies, this thesis interrogates
how digital technology enables variation in social practices, which in turn leads to variation
in energy impacts. To better understand the impacts of digital technology we should
consider, more broadly, how these technologies feature throughout everyday life. Through
better understanding the connections between everyday life, digital technology, and energy
impacts we can better contextualise growth, and better design for more sustainable trajectories.