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Thermo-responsive and electroconductive shape-memory polymer composites for useful applications

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis

  • Mathew Haskew
Publication date2018
Number of pages126
QualificationMasters by Research
Awarding Institution
  • Lancaster University
<mark>Original language</mark>English


Shape-memory polymers (SMPs) are stimuli-responsive materials with the ability to undergo a large recoverable deformation upon the application of an external stimulus. International research interest into the shape-memory effects (SMEs) of these polymers is rapidly growing. Unique polymer composites combining the properties of existing SMPs with electroconductive polymers (CPs) have been produced via direct laser writing or multiphoton fabrication (using a Photonic Nanoscribe). The modified SMPs will be reported for the first time, in addition, their properties are investigated and prove insightful for potential applications of these materials.