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“We Can’t Fix It All” “Okay, But What If We Try?”: What can HCI learn from the source-pathway-receptor framework?

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNConference contribution/Paper

Publication date24/06/2024
Host publicationICT4S Zine: Liminal Excavations
PublisherICT4s (ICT for Sustainability)
Number of pages6
<mark>Original language</mark>English


Pollution linkages are the connections between sources of pollution, pathways through which pollutants travel, and receptors that are impacted by pollution. These linkages are often broken down into three stages in environmentalism in to the source, pathway and receptor (SPR) framework. This zine shares how, with an understanding of this framework, HCI researchers can ensure equitability in their developments both in terms of the environment but the users and those in marginalised groups.