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Wellbeing in the classroom

Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

Publication date8/03/2024
Host publicationHow to Offer Effective Wellbeing Support to Law Students
EditorsLydia Bleasdale
Place of PublicationCheltenham
PublisherEdward Elgar
Number of pages20
ISBN (electronic)9781803920801
ISBN (print)9781803920795
<mark>Original language</mark>English


Supporting students’ wellbeing is not an isolated administrative task. It is an integral part of our work inside and outside the classroom yet it can pose significant challenges for lecturers at any level of experience. Through real life examples real life and a short case study, this chapter examines how and why it is necessary to inculcate wellbeing into the classroom and provides guidance for identifying and responding to wellbeing issues. It explores three main themes, beginning with the theme of confidentiality: how should personal information received by a classroom tutor be handled? Secondly, inclusivity within the classroom is examined in the context of uncertainty and ‘social pain.’ Finally, the theme of ‘noticing’ is explored. By noticing the sub-text in the classroom environment, the tutor is better equipped to identify and mitigate student wellbeing issues, whether by adapting classroom methods or taking steps to ensure students are supported outside of the class.