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4th annual conference of the Translation Studies Network of Ireland

Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in conference -Mixed Audience


If just before the turn of the millennium translation was seen as mainly dependent on the distance from the original, as well as on print as the medium of choice, it has steadily acquired a more dialogic and re-creational dimension, becoming an integral part of the creative writing process to the point to which it can even create new literature in computer-mediated environments. With more attention paid to re-writing processes and sociolinguistic factors, the “creative wave” in translation studies has encompassed processes such as self-translation, re-translation, multimodality, hybridity and artistic expression. Finally, and without exhausting the wealth of areas in which translators’ creativity plays a seminal role, migration in the 21st century and other significant population displacements have increased our awareness of the importance of translation for new community building and have drastically reshaped the dynamics between norms and creativity.

Event (Conference)

Title4th annual conference of the Translation Studies Network of Ireland
Abbreviated titleTSNI 2024
LocationUniversity of Galway
Degree of recognitionInternational event