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  1. SL: ESRC Centre: Vulnerability and Policing Futures Research Centre

    May-Chahal, C. (Principal Investigator)



    Project: Research

  2. TAS-S: Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Security Node

    Moffat, L. (Researcher)

    28/03/21 → …

    Project: Research

  3. The Effectiveness of Social Media Screening and the Impact of Increased Anonymity and Encryption in Policing

    Maesschalck, S. (Principal Investigator), Rouncefield, M. (Principal Investigator), Ewin, R. (Principal Investigator) & May-Chahal, C. (Principal Investigator)


    Project: Research

  4. Lancaster Slavery Family Trees Community Researh Project

    Tyler, I. (Principal Investigator)

    1/10/20 → …

    Project: Research

  5. CHIC: Collaborative Housing and Innovation in Care

    Fernandez Arrigoitia, M. (Principal Investigator)


    Project: Research

  6. Digital Tools - Next steps: Developing Learning Resources with Schools

    Lloyd Williams, A. (Principal Investigator)

    Environment Agency


    Project: Research

  7. DecarboN8: DecarboN8-An Integrated Network to Decarbonise transport

    Spurling, N. (Co-Investigator) & Buscher, M. (Principal Investigator)


    Project: Research

  8. CREDS Final Project: Post-Covid, Net Zero, Heating of Buildings

    Morley, J. (Principal Investigator) & Morley, J. (Principal Investigator)

    Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council


    Project: Research

  9. DSI: Returning to Court. Who are the defendants at risk of repeated cases in the Magistrates' and Crown Court?

    Humphreys, L. (Co-Investigator), Broadhurst, K. (Co-Investigator), Pattinson, B. (Principal Investigator) & Pattinson, B. (Principal Investigator)



    Project: Research

  10. Rebordering Britain and Britons after Brexit (MIGZEN)

    Benson, M. (Principal Investigator) & Zambelli, E. (Research Associate)



    Project: Research

  11. Secrecy, Public Relations and the Shadow World of the Media Sphere

    Cronin, A. (Principal Investigator)

    The Leverhulme Trust


    Project: Research

  12. 'Up Against It': Fathers and Recurrent Care Proceedings

    Youansamouth, L. (Researcher)


    Project: Research

  13. ISF: DecarboN8 - An Integrated Network to Decarbonise Transport

    Buscher, M. (Principal Investigator)



    Project: Research

  14. Provision of Loneliness and Community led Housing Research

    Fernandez Arrigoitia, M. (Principal Investigator), Scanlon, K. (Principal Investigator), Hudson, J. (Co-Investigator), Ferreri, M. (Co-Investigator) & Udagawa, C. (Researcher)

    The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government


    Project: Research

  15. Born into Care: infants becoming looked after in Scotland – proposal for a feasibility study into recurrence

    Cusworth, L. (Principal Investigator), Broadhurst, K. (Co-Investigator) & Hooper, J. (Researcher)

    Scottish Government


    Project: Research

  16. TAS-S: Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Node in Security

    May-Chahal, C. (Co-Investigator), Deville, J. (Co-Investigator), Suri, N. (Principal Investigator), Angelov, P. (Co-Investigator), Giotsas, V. (Co-Investigator), Easton, C. (Co-Investigator) & Hutchison, D. (Co-Investigator)

    Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council


    Project: Research

  17. Subjects of the Child Protection Process: Why Do Some Parents Succeed and Others Struggle?

    Leigh, J. (Principal Investigator)

    The British Academy


    Project: Research

  18. Building Trauma-informed Responses in Supporting Sexual and Reproductive Health: A Community of Practice Approach

    Broadhurst, K. (Co-Investigator) & Mason, C. (Principal Investigator)

    Public Health England


    Project: Research

  19. Assessing the Use of Early Permanency in England

    Mason, C. (Principal Investigator)

    Adoption Matters


    Project: Research

  20. Social Action Research Group

    Tyler, I. (Project Manager), Leigh, J. (Project Manager), Sirriyeh, A. (Team Member), Earl, C. (Team Member) & Abraham, S. (Team Member)

    12/06/20 → …

    Project: Research

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