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Farideh Honary supervises 1 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Professor Farideh Honary

Research Professor, Emeritus

Farideh Honary

Physics Building



Tel: +44 1524 510402

Research overview

My current research interests include: i) investigating the complex behaviour of energetic particles during magnetic storms and substorms with ground- and space-based instruments; ii) utilising the ionosphere as a natural plasma laboratory to study a variety of important non-linear plasma processes associated with the interaction of high power HF waves and the ionospheric plasma. This is done by employing the EISCAT high power HF transmitter; and iii) investigation of the effect of dusty plasma on spacecraft charging.

External Roles

  • Member of the ESA Physical Sciences Working Group (PSWG), (Jan 2015-to date)
  • Member of the UK Space Agency Scientific Programme Advisory Committee (SPAC), (2015-to date)
  • Member of NERC Radar Advisory Group (2015- to date)
  • Member of the IoP Juno Panel (June 2016-to date)
  • Vice President of the UK Royal Astronomical Society, (2011-2013)
  • Chair of Royal Astronomical Society Prizes and awards Panel (2011- 2013)
  • UK representative at URSI commission G  (URSI: International Union of Radio Science), (2011-to date)
  • Member of the international SUPERMAG Steering Committee (2011-to date)
  • Member of the Norwegian Research Council Research Assessment Panel (2011-2015)
  • Panel member, International Scientific Advisory committee for ALOMAR (Arctic Lidar Observatory for Middle Atmosphere Research), 2003 to date.
  • Served as an expert in the multidisciplinary area for the Wakeham Review of Physics, 2008.
  • Member of EPSRC Peer Review College, 2006 – to date.
  • Member of NERC Peer Review College, 2009-to date.
  • Member of the Astronomy Forum, 2009-to date.
  • Reviewer for National Science Foundation (USA) and Canadian Space Agency.
  • Member of STFC EISCAT Oversight Committee, 2008-2009.
  • Panel member, PPARC Advanced and Postdoctoral Fellowship Panel, 2005-2006.
  • Panel member, PPARC/NERC Polar Atmosphere Working Group, 2003 (this group was tasked with recommending future directions for polar atmospheric science, establishing scientific topics that span the traditional domains of PPARC and NERC and considering the future of the UK involvement in the EISCAT radar facility).
  • Chair, EISCAT (European Incoherent Scatter Radar) Science Review Panel, 2006.
  • Panel member, PPARC Software Review Panel, 2004 - 2005.
  • Assessor and visiting panel chair, PPARC Solar System Science Panel, 2001- 2002.
  • Panel member, PPARC Solar-Terrestrial Physics National Facilities Committee, 1998 - 2007.
  • Panel member, OFCOM IERS (Ionospheric Effects on Radio Systems) Task     Group, 2002 to date.
  • Panel member, PPARC GRID Steering Committee, 2002 - 2004.
  • Assessor and panel chair, PPARC Research Assessment Panel (RAP), Astronomy Division, 1999 - 2001.
  • Panel member, EISCAT Time Allocation Panel (ETAP), 1997 - 2001.

PhD Supervisions Completed

Andrew Kavanagh, 2002, PPARC Case Studentship.

Andew Senior, 2004, PPARC Studentship.

Hiuyu Tao, 2004, EPSRC Research Assistant (part time Ph.D).

Amin Aminaei, 2007, University Studentship.

Martin Grill, 2007, PPARC funded RA (part time Ph.D).

George Dekoulis, 2007, Self-Funded.

Nicola Longden, 2008, Faculty Studentship.

Samuel Ritchie, 2009, funded by his employer (Part-time PhD)

Mathew Beharrell, 2009, STFC funded.

Peter Tullet, 2010, Self-funded.

Paul Wild, 2011, STFC funded.

Abul Khair Anuar, 2013, funded by Malaysian Government.

Patrick Cannon, 2016, funded by STFC.

Ogunmodimu, Olugbenga,2016,  Self-funded.

Thesis Title

Neutrino oscillation and multiplicative Lepton number conservation

My Role

  • Member of the University Court (Jan 2016- to date)
  • Member of the University Equality and Diversity Committee (2015- 2016)
  • Chair of University AthenaSWAN committee (Aug. 2008-Aug.2016).

Research Grants

Research grants since 2008:     

PI, Imaging Riometer -Iceland Station, PRIC-China,18/07/2016-17/12/2017, £160,000

PI, Space weather effects on airline communications in the high latitude regions, EPSRC, 15/05/2013-14/11/2016, £323,138.

PI, Dusty Plasma environment: near surface characterisation and modelling, ESA, 1/12/2012-1/10/2013, 38000 Euros.

PI, Dust electrostatic charging, transport and contamination for Lunar Lander and Human Exploration Missions, ESA, 01/02/2013-01/08/2014, 65000 Euros.

CoI, A high-order model of the Earth's External and Induced Magnetic Field, NERC, 1/10/2012-30/09/2015, 350,234

PI, Quantifying Energetic Particle Precipitation into the Atmosphere (QEPPA), NERC, 01/01/2013-31/09/2016, £330, 240

 PI, Effect of Inhomogeneous Flow on Waves and Instabilities in Complex plasmas, EC, 12/2008-12/2010, £191,645

PI, Fundamental Plasma Processes, STFC, 04/2008-07/2010, £591,500

PI, SAMNET operation, PPARC, 2008, £56,742

PI, Svalbard Imaging Riometer, Polar Research Institute of China (PRIC), 2008-2009, £70,000

PI, Imaging Riometer for Antarctica, Indian Institute of Geomagnetism (IIG), 2008-2010, £63,000

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