My research is inspired by theories of technological and social change, which I apply and develop in relation to sustainability, digital technologies, thermal comfort and dress in everyday life. Much of my work is interdisciplinary and collaborative, and has involved a combination of methods, including fine-grained energy and environmental sensor data, interviews and diaries. As a sociologist, I have used this work to extend debates in the fields of energy research and human computer interaction as well as to advance theories of practice.
My current research focuses on the relationship between thermal comfort and energy-use within buildings. In particular, it considers how clothing, both in its design and in everyday practices of dressing, relates to the demand for heating and air conditioning, alongside other ways of keeping warm or cool (personal comfort). This work aims to highlight the intersection between energy and (sustainable) fashion, both within research and policy. It also aims to deepen understanding of the thermal dimensions of day-to-day dressing practice.