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Professor Maggie Mort

Emeritus, Professor

Maggie Mort

Bowland North



Tel: +44 1524 594077

Research Interests

  • A former journalist, I have a longstanding interest in citizen engagement in science and technology and recent interest in disaster studies and social/material vulnerability. These are reflected in my recent publications, 'Displacement: critical insights from flood affected children', and  ‘From Victims to Actors’. I have worked predominently with ethnographic and participative methodologies, exploring how policy can be influenced by the experience of those it affects, most recently in relation to disaster, risk and emergency management. To this end, I coordinated the Horizon2020 project, CUIDAR: Cultures of Disaster Resilience among children and young people across Europe. This work follows directly from our ESRC Urgency research which was the first in depth exploration of children’s experiences of flooding in the UK. More broadly, working in the field of Science and Technology Studies I have focused on citizen, patient and workers' experience of technological change in healthcare such as the development of telemedicine and telecare, and what counts as innovation in health science and technology.

Recent projects include:


Current Teaching



The doctoral studies I have recently supervised relate to making sense of biosensors, co-production of care services, telecare, patient safety and Bovine TB policy.


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