My research focuses on the body and the biological, health and illness, and technoscientific practice. I draw on the sociology and anthropology of science and technology, the philosophy of biology, and culture and media studies in my work.
My work has involved looking at biosensing practices, in particular direct-to-consumer genetic testing. In my PhD research, I explored the social life of genetic data, focusing on the biomedicalization processes at work when saliva moves outside the clinic and into online environments and digital cultures where diverse forms of action and knowledges come into play. I examined four genetic data practices, exploring genetic data not as a product, but as a socio-material relation caught up in biosensing practices fraught with uncertainty and ambivalence. I am also interested in practices of governance, in particular measurement and numbering practices, and how we increasingly ‘move through’ data and data milieus.
I am currently involved in the Gynae Narratives Project, led by Lisa Wood (Medicine) and Vicky Singleton (Sociology), and funded by the North West Cancer Research.
Previously, I was involved in the DEMAND Centre at Lancaster University, working with Gordon Walker (LEC) on a project on the governance of energy demand.