This report has been produced by the Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University for the MLEARN project. The report provides evidence of outcomes of a training programme for in-service teachers focusing on mobile learning through appropriate pedagogic uses of mobile or handheld technologies. The MLEARN project, a European Union (EU)-funded project, has explored and promoted teacher development of mobile learning practices in four member states – the Netherlands, the United Kingdom (England), Greece and Italy. This third report (following previous reports by Passey and Zozimo, 2014a, 2014b) analyses evidence following the training events, arising from learners and teachers across the period of the project. Evidence was gathered using online surveys; in some cases, surveys were completed offline, these were sent to the researchers, who then included them in collated results, or they were initially translated by partners prior to collation. Survey evidence was gathered on five occasions across the period of the project: after 2 months, 3 months, 5 months, 9 months and 13 months from the start of use.