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BBC News School Report: An evaluative review of a 10-year project

Research output: Book/Report/ProceedingsCommissioned report

Publication date9/03/2016
Place of PublicationLancaster
PublisherLancaster University
Number of pages37
<mark>Original language</mark>English


BBC News School Report has reached, in 2016, its 10th anniversary. This BBC News project has been remarkable; it has brought forward significant learning opportunities for over two thousand schools and tens of thousands of pupils each year over the last 5 years. The foresight and dedication that has led to the provision of these learning opportunities should undoubtedly be celebrated; the project has enabled large numbers of pupils aged 11 to 16 years to be involved in producing their own real news reports, to work directly with and to gain from the support of mentors from within the BBC, and to engage with people and stories of significance to their local communities and their longer-term futures, broadcast widely through local, regional and national radio, television and website reports. This form of project does not occur commonly in schools. Preparing our pupils for the future so often means that they are confined to classrooms, focusing on subject content that is deemed important; this project has taken pupils out of their classrooms, and has shown them that their subject knowledge can have real purpose, and be applied both today and tomorrow. This review is intended to present the outcomes of the 10th anniversary celebration of a project that has impacted schools, teachers, pupils and the BBC itself.