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  1. Membership of committee
  2. T2K Collaboration (External organisation)

    Kormos, L. (Chair)


    Activity: Membership typesMembership of committee

  3. T2K Collaboration (External organisation)

    Kormos, L. (Chair)


    Activity: Membership typesMembership of committee

  4. TCM Translation and International Communication Committee (External organisation)

    Wang, A. (Member)


    Activity: Membership typesMembership of committee

  5. Technical Committee - The IEEE Technical Community on Learning Technology (TCLT) (Event)

    Aref, I. (Member)


    Activity: Membership typesMembership of committee

  6. Technical Programming Commitee Member of IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (External organisation)

    Ascigil, O. (Reviewer )


    Activity: Membership typesMembership of committee

  7. Technical University of Berlin (External organisation)

    Hardy, J. (Reviewer )

    10/11/2015 → …

    Activity: Membership typesMembership of committee

  8. The 10th Workshop on Multiword Expressions in EACL 2014 (Event)

    Piao, S. (Member)


    Activity: Membership typesMembership of committee

  9. The 2nd International Conference on Design for 3D Printing (Event)

    Rennie, A. (Member)


    Activity: Membership typesMembership of committee

  10. The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) (External organisation)

    Cox, S. (Member)


    Activity: Membership typesMembership of committee

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