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Natasa Lackovic supervises 46 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Dr Natasa Lackovic

Senior Lecturer

Natasa Lackovic

County South



Tel: +44 1524 594662

Research overview

My research focuses on education futures through relational and arts-informed approaches and practices for educational and social change. These acknowledge the role of place, materiality, media and artefacts  in knowledge as well as social and cultural development.

My research has contributed to media and literacy studies in conjuction with university and wider community teaching-learning.

As of recent, I have been interested in the notions of learning city (how citizens learn, which is my latest international project) and done research in place-based education and student/youth mental health. 

Notably, I have been developing methods and theoretical perspectives to bridging persistent dualisms in education, such as "image-concept", "concrete-abstract", "us-them" and "mind-body" in tackling pressing social, representational, and environmental crises. My approaches also aim to enhance analytical, creative, and transformative thinking on a variety of important educational topics in teaching-learning interactions and research. Two recent books (Inquiry Graphics in Higher Education, 2020, Palgrave McMillan) and (Relational and Multimodal Higher Education, co-written with A. Olteanu, upcoming in 2023, Routledge) present the recent fruits of the above mentioned developments. 

I am an inter(cross-)disciplinary thinker, author and researcher. If I was to position myself in a field or discipline, this would be a challenge, as there is always more than one to list: semiotics, media and communication, learning sciences, educational philosophy, visual arts, socio/new materialism. 

PhD supervision

I am interested in supervising students whose interests relate to visual, material and digital culture/research/pedagogy, multimodality, semiotics in education, socio-materiality, social justice/critical theory and critical media literacy. Areas of interest include critical approachers to graduate employability, teaching-learning designs, student empowerment, art-based methods and post-truth/humanism/digital.

Professional Role

I am a Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy (SFHEA).

In my research, I am working on advancing our understanding of the role of embodiment, materiality (in both physical and digital representation form), images, art and artefacts in education and society. Passionate about matters of social justice, innovation, interdisciplinarity and relational ontology. 

At Lancaster University, I am currently:
•       a co-Director of Social Futures Centre, Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FASS)
•       on the FASS-LUMS Research Engagement Committee
•       Departmental Research Engagement Director

Current Teaching

  • PhD module Leader: I teach on the online Doctoral Programme in Higher Education Research, Evaluation and Enhancement (HEREE) and I lead the module ED.S842: "Enhancing Learning Teaching and Assessment".
  • MA module Leader: I lead a module Ed.S836 "Policies, Ideologies and Interventions in Education" for all students on the departmental online masters programmes.
  • I also teach face to face on the residential programme in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL).

External Roles

  • External Examiner (current) Glasgow School of Arts, UK (former: Kingston University, UK). 
  • Co-Editor, Video Journal of Educational Pedagogy, Brill 
  • Editorial Board, the Postdigital Science and Education journal, Springer.
  • International Association of Visual Pedagogies, board member 

Web Links

Designer, co-ordinator and copy right owner of the Lancaster University's interdisciplinary hub GNC ReOPeN web page, Graphic Novels and Comics Research, Outreach, Pedagogy (and Engagement) Network.

PhD Supervisions Completed

Experienced doctoral thesis supervisor. 
  • Nafeth Al Hashlamoun

Completed: PhDProject title: Exploring the Factors Affecting an Adoption of E-Assessments Among The CIS Programmes in a Higher Education Institution in the Middle East (HEIME)

  • Tony Murphy

Completed: PhD
Project title: Exploring the Challenges of Managing Blended Learning Courses in Selected Irish Higher Education Institutes: An Activity Theory Study

  • Michelle Flood

Completed: PhD
Project title: Shaping Up for Success: A Qualitative Case Study on the Impact of Using Interactive Radar Graphs on Workplace-Based Assessment Practices for Pharmacy Interns in Ireland

  • Andrea Moloney

Completed: PhD
Project title: From Disorientation to Reintegration: an Exploratory Investigation of Mature Students’ Engagement in Transformative Learning

  • Jen Gibbons

Completed: PhD
Project title: A Bernsteinian Analysis of the Interplay Between Legal Knowledge and the Legal Professional In University Law Schools in Yorkshire and Alberta: Rule of Law or Rule of Lawyers

  • Hennie Yip

Completed: PhD
Project title: From Design to Practice: Teachers' Experience and Perspectives of Blended Professional Development in Hong Kong

  • Errol Luders 

Completed: PhD

Project title: Mediating multimedia artefacts and teaching-learning experiences relating to Summative Assessment Feedback (SAF) and student overall satisfaction

  • Wilma Teviotdale 

Completed: PhD

Project title: Expanding the paradigm of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: multimodality and semiotics of teaching-learning interactions in an undergraduate Accounting programme

  • Zoe Hurley

Completed: PhD 

Project title: Lessons in Dynamics and Distractions: Social Media and Gulf-Arab Women’s Empowerment

Career Details

I have had more than 17 years of experience working in the field of Education, and more than 10 years working in the field of Higher Education.

I began work as Lecturer at Lancaster University in September 2014. Prior to that, I worked at the University of Nottingham as doctoral researcher (PhD) and Research Assistant/Fellow, where I completed my PhD in 2014, having been awarded a Visual Learning Lab and the Learning Sciences Research Institute scholarship. 

I was a European Council Erasmus Mundus Scholar at the UCL/Institute of Education, London (UK), where I graduated from an international MA degree in Lifelong Learning: Policy and Management in 2010.


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