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Results for Genomics

Publications & Outputs

  1. Genomic analysis of two phlebotomine sand fly vectors of leishmania from the new and old World

    Sandflies, 12/04/2023, In: PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 17, 4, e0010862.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  2. Spatial and Genomic Data to Characterize Endemic Typhoid Transmission

    Gauld, J. S., Olgemoeller, F., Heinz, E., Nkhata, R., Bilima, S., Wailan, A. M., Kennedy, N., Mallewa, J., Gordon, M. A., Read, J. M., Heyderman, R. S., Thomson, N. R., Diggle, P. J. & Feasey, N. A., 1/06/2022, In: Clinical Infectious Diseases. 74, 11, p. 1993-2000 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  3. Genomics of carbon atomic chains

    Daaoub, A., Lambert, C. J. & Sadeghi, H., 15/10/2021, In: Carbon. 183, p. 977-983 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  4. Facing climate change: Biotechnology of iconic mediterranean woody crops

    De Ollas, C., Morillón, R., Fotopoulos, V., Puértolas, J., Ollitrault, P., Gómez-Cadenas, A. & Arbona, V., 16/04/2019, In: Frontiers in Plant Science. 10, 23 p., 427.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  5. Healthcare professionals' and patients' perspectives on consent to clinical genetic testing: moving towards a more relational approach

    Samuel, G. N., Dheensa, S., Farsides, B., Fenwick, A. & Lucassen, A., 8/08/2017, In: BMC Medical Ethics. 18, 11 p., 47.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  6. No Reliable Association between Runs of Homozygosity and Schizophrenia in a Well-Powered Replication Study

    Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, 28/10/2016, In: PLoS Genetics. 12, 10, 20 p., e1006343.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  7. Leveraging Genomic Annotations and Pleiotropic Enrichment for Improved Replication Rates in Schizophrenia GWAS

    Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, 01/2016, In: PLoS Genetics. 12, 1, 22 p., e1005803.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  8. A Bayesian method to incorporate hundreds of functional characteristics with association evidence to improve variant prioritization

    Gagliano, S. A., Barnes, M. R., Weale, M. E. & Knight, J., 20/05/2014, In: PLoS ONE. 9, 5, 14 p., e98122.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  9. Comparative genomics of carp herpesviruses

    Davison, A. J., Kurobe, T., Gatherer, D., Cunningham, C., Korf, I., Fukuda, H., Hedrick, R. P. & Waltzek, T. B., 03/2013, In: Journal of Virology. 87, 5, p. 2908-2922 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  10. Translating standards into practice: one semantic web API for gene expression

    Deus, H. F., Prud’hommeaux, E., Miller, M., Zhao, J., Malone, J., Adamusiak, T., Mccusker, J., Das, S., Rocca Serra, P., Fox, R. & Marshall, M. S., 08/2012, In: Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 45, 4, p. 782-794 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to Journal/MagazineJournal articlepeer-review

  11. Race and genomics

    Tutton, R. & Bliss, C., 2012, Encyclopedia of applied ethics . Chadwick, R. (ed.). 2nd ed. ed. San Diego: Elsevier Academic Press, p. 699-704 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSNChapter

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  1. Transcending the Genome: The Paradigm Shift to Proteomics

    Glasner, P. (Principal Investigator) & McNally, R. (Co-investigator)


    Project: NonFunded ProjectProjects

  2. European Project on Stem Cell Research (EuroStem)

    Twine, R. (Research Associate)


    Project: NonFunded ProjectProjects