This dataset is the original data shown in Figure 1 of [1]. A cervical cancer cell
line, HeLa, was cultured in a growth medium followed by glucose starvation, i.e.
24-h incubation in a starvation medium, under 5% CO2 and 37 °C with saturated
humidity. The growth medium is composed of 89% high-glucose DMEM, 10%
FBS, and 1% antibiotic-antibycotic. The starvation medium is composed of
89% no-glucose DMEM and 1% antibiotic-antibycotic with or without 10%
FBS. The files ’data FBS+Glc-.csv’ and ’data FBS-Glc-.csv’ are the data for
typical glycolytic oscillations in glucose starved HeLa cells with and without
FBS starvation, respectively.
[1] Takashi Amemiya, Kenichi Shibata, Yoshihiro Itoh, Kiminori Itoh,
Masatoshi Watanabe, and Tomohiko Yamaguchi. Primordial oscillations
in life direct observation of glycolytic oscillations in individual hela cervical
cancer cells. Chaos, 27(10):104602, 2017.
Date made available | 1/12/2020 |
Publisher | Lancaster University |