Home > Research > Datasets
  1. Chemical composition of anaerobic digestate and biomass ash blends as a result of storage

    Lag Brotons, A. (Creator), Thompkins, D. (Creator), Burguess, A. (Creator), Marshall, R. (Creator), Herbert, B. (Creator), Hurst, L. (Creator), Semple, K. (Creator), NERC Environmental Information Data Centre, 2020, 10.5285/e91e8c28-0176-4c5b-9b20-611eb505ab39


  2. Chinese CALLHOME Corpus, XML edition #external #dataset

    McEnery, T. (Creator), Xiao, Z. (Creator), Linguistic Data Consortium, 15/09/2008, 10.35111/c4fh-9d64


  3. Chitosan-modified hollow manganese dioxide nanoparticles loaded with resveratrol for the treatment of spinal cord injury

    Li, Y. (Creator), Zou, Z. (Creator), An, J. (Creator), Wu, Q. (Creator), Tong, L. (Creator), Mei, X. (Creator), Tian, H. (Creator), Wu, C. (Creator), Taylor & Francis, 2022, 10.6084/m9.figshare.20400720


  4. Chromosome-level genome of black cutworm provides novel insights into polyphagy and seasonal migration in insects

    Jin, M. (Creator), Liu, B. (Creator), Zheng, W. (Creator), Liu, C. (Creator), Liu, Z. (Creator), He, Y. (Creator), Li, X. (Creator), Wu, C. (Creator), Wang, P. (Creator), Liu, K. (Creator), Wu, S. (Creator), Liu, H. (Creator), Chakrabarty, S. (Creator), Yuan, H. (Creator), Wilson, K. (Creator), Wu, K. (Creator), Fan, W. (Creator), Xiao, Y. (Creator), Figshare, 2023, 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.6586666.v1


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