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  1. Complex-amplitude modulation of surface waves based on a metasurface coupler

    Zhang, Z. (Creator), Wu, C. (Creator), li, Q. (Creator), Zhao, S. (Creator), Li, H. (Creator), Optica Publishing Group, 2023, 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.6437690.v2


  2. Comprehensive analysis of metabolome and transcriptome reveals the mechanism of color formation in different leave of Loropetalum Chinense var. Rubrum

    Zhang, X. (Creator), Zhang, L. (Creator), Zhang, D. (Creator), Su, D. (Creator), Li, W. (Creator), Wang, X. (Creator), Chen, Q. (Creator), Cai, W. (Creator), Xu, L. (Creator), Cao, F. (Creator), Zhang, D. (Creator), Yu, X. (Creator), Li, Y. (Creator), Figshare, 2023, 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.6596171.v1


  3. Concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) eggs in the UK #external #dataset

    Crosse, J. (Creator), Shore, R. (Creator), Wadsworth, R. (Creator), Jones, K. (Creator), NERC Environmental Information Data Centre, 2012, 10.5285/5fdccbe5-066b-4130-8431-d6389c31cea2


  4. Concurrent pigeon paramyxovirus-1 and Acinetobacter baumannii infection in a fatal case of pneumonia

    Zou, X. (Creator), Suo, L. (Creator), Wang, Y. (Creator), Cao, H. (Creator), Mu, S. (Creator), Wu, C. (Creator), Yan, L. (Creator), Qi, X. (Creator), Lu, J. (Creator), Lu, B. (Creator), Fan, Y. (Creator), Li, H. (Creator), Huang, L. (Creator), Ren, L. (Creator), Liu, B. (Creator), Cao, B. (Creator), Taylor & Francis, 2022, 10.6084/m9.figshare.19362464.v3


  5. Confirming effects of pore geometry on H2 densification for hydrogen storage

    Valeska, T. (Creator), Bimbo, N. (Creator), Timothy, M. (Creator), Stephane, R. (Creator), Terry, L. R. (Creator), Tian, M. (Creator), Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), 2017, 10.5291/ill-data.7-05-468


  6. Consuming disaster data: is IT ethical?

    Perng, S. (Creator), Buscher, M. (Creator), Moffat, L. (Creator), Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2021, 10.18418/978-3-96043-095-7_06


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