Dr. Fayoumi welcomes postgraduate and research students interested in procuring their research study under one of the research areas within his research interests. The following list specifies some topics that are of direct interest to Dr. Fayoumi:
· enterprise modelling and enterprise architecture
· applying natural science theories to explore socio-technical complex relations
· model driven requirements engineering
· design and architect of enterprise information systems (both process and applications)
· knowledge engineering, particularly methods of transformation knowledge from informal to formal models
· model-based organisation (conceptual modelling, metamodelling, logic formulation, and simulation)
· strategic information systems and decision support systems.
Dr. Amjad Fayoumi is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Information Systems (IS) and a member of the Department of Management Science since 2017. He is researching in the information systems area focusing on enterprise systems modelling and simulation. He is the director of MSc in Digital Business, Innovation and Management, also he is the former director of MSc in E-business and Innovation Programme and a co-leader of Advanced Manufacturing Theme in LiRA. Dr. Fayoumi is activly involved in several research groups and themes across the University of Lancaster
Dr. Fayoumi was awarded his Ph.D degree. in the information systems area from Loughborough University, his thesis focusing on the use of enterprise modelling and simulation for analysing and designing business strategy and operation. Prior to joining Lancaster University, Dr. Fayoumi worked as a lecturer at Nottingham Trent University, also as a researcher for the University of Nottingham and Loughborough University, and taught at the Nottingham Trent International College (NTIC) at both foundation and diploma levels. Furthermore, Dr. Fayoumi has earlier industrial experience, as he worked previously in ICT consultancy for few years. Dr. Fayoumi is currently a member of a number of professional associations and he has taken roles in reviewing research papers for several international conferences and journals.
At present, his particular research interests lie in two main themes around: Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Digital Transformation of Healthcare.
Postgraduate Modules:
Enterprise Systems and Business Analytics
Managing IT Architectures
Digital Business and Marketing
Previous Postgraduate Teaching:
Digital Transformation of Business
Cyber Security and Enterprise Resilience
Previous Undergraduate Teaching:
Managing Business Information Systems
IT in Organisation: an introduction to ERPs
Dr. Fayoumi currently holds the following qualifications and memberships:
- Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
- Higher Education (PGCertAP NTU)
- Member of The Chartered Institute for IT (BCS)
- Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (MIEEE)
- Member of IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Business Informatics and Systems
- Member of the Operational Research Society
- Member of Association for Information Systems (AIS)
- Member of Association for Enterprise Architects