Recent activities include: Modelling and control of ventilation systems in agricultural buildings (with Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) and dynamic motorway traffic management (Research supported by the UK Highways Agency, as part of the M3/M27 Ramp Metering Pilot Scheme).
In the last few years, I have taken the responsibility for the development of numerical skills and environmental modelling teaching in the department. I am very interested in novel teaching methods and recently, the teaching in the technological aspects of the subject, has been expanded further to include modern high level packages using an iconographic interface (Matlab/Simulink).
* Numerical skills for Enviromental Sciences I and II (ENV122 and ENV124)
* Data Analysis and Programming skills (ENV202)
* Modelling Environmental processes (ENV345)
* Environmental Technology (ENV433)
* Numerical skills for Master students (ENV460)
Tych, W., Sadeghi, J., Smith, P. J., Chotai, A. & Taylor, C. J., 2012, System Identification, Environmental Modelling, and Control System Design. Wang, L. & Garnier, H. (eds.). London: Springer, p. 191-21020 p.
Research output: Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings - With ISBN/ISSN › Chapter