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Current Postgraduate Research Students

Bernd Schulze supervises 2 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Dr Bernd Schulze

Reader in Mathematics

Bernd Schulze

Fylde College



Tel: +44 1524 592173

Research overview

Applied Discrete Geometry

Rigidity and flexibility of discrete geometric constraint systems and applications

Combinatorial Optimization

Graph Theory

Algebraic methods in discrete mathematics

PhD supervision

I would be happy to supervise a PhD student who is interested in graph theory, combinatorics and/or discrete geometry (in particular rigidity and flexibility of geometric constraint systems, geometric graphs, count matroids, and symmetry in discrete structures). I have purely mathematical projects as well as projects that are motivated by applications and are interdisciplinary (involving areas such as robotics, structural and mechanical engineering, biophysics, and materials science).

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