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Dr Catherine Fritz

Formerly at Lancaster University

Catherine Fritz

PhD supervision

Learning and remembering, especially with respect to the role of practice and repetition and/or interest and motivation; Issues related to effective learning of statistics, maths and/or science; Constructive nature of perception, memory and reasoning, including investigation of biases; Memory improvement strategies; Remembering names.

Current Teaching

Topics that I teach and have taught (and enjoy teaching) include:

* Psychological research methods

* Statistics

* Cognitive psychology and related topics

Behavioural learning: classical and operant conditioning, observational learning

History of psychology with some philosophy of science

Individual differences: personality and intelligence, including some psychometrics

* Various other topics including developmental and social psychology.


Research Interests

My research interests include the psychological study of

Learning and remembering, including laboratory and real world experiments, especially with respect to

  • the role of practice and repetition,
  • learning from text,
  • the role of multimedia materials,
  • mathematics and science learning, including dyscalculia;

including consideration of how the above interact withprior knowledge and/or personality characteristics.

Constructive nature of perception, memory and reasoning;

Memory improvement strategies;

Remembering names.

Society Memberships

  • American Psychological Association, including membership in the Division of Educational Psychology, the Division of Evaluation, Measurement and Statistics, and the Society for the Teaching of Psychology
  • Association for Psychological Science (formerly American Psychological Society)
  • British Psychological Society
  • Experimental Psychology Society (UK)
  • Psychonomic Society
  • Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition
  • National Council for Teachers in Mathematics

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