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Dr Chris Arridge FHEA

Chris Arridge

Lancaster University




United Kingdom

Research overview

My research is focused in the study of magnetised plasmas in a variety of solar system and astrophysical contexts. This research contributes to our understanding of solar system bodies, how they interact with their surroundings, and the basic plasma physics of these interactions. Most of my work focuses on the giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune but I have also studied Venus. To carry out this research I use empirical modelling, in situ data analysis from spacecraft such as Cassini at Saturn, statistical studies, and theory/simulations.

PhD supervision

I am happy to supervise PhD projects on topics in space and planetary physics covering giant planet systems (Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and their moons/rings), and also astrophysical magnetospheres such as those around Brown dwarfs and exoplanets. PhD projects can either be focused on data analysis, using data from deep space missions such as Cassini-Huygens and Juno, or on computational modelling, or a combination. I have a particular interest in data science applications in planetary science and can offer projects with a strong element data mining, machine learning, and Bayesian analysis.

External Roles

Space mission involvement:


Contact me

Email: c.arridge@lancaster.ac.uk

LinkedIn: @chrisarridge

PhD Supervisions Completed

PhDs Examined

  • Joe Rowland Adams (PhD) "Networks and non-autonomous dynamics, with applications to cell energy metabolism" (Lancaster University, 2023)
  • Jonathan Doyle (PhD) "Magnetospheric Plasma Dynamics: Investigating Ion and Electron Flow in the Magnetotail" (Lancaster University, 2019)
  • Patrick Cannon (PhD) "Numerical Simulation of Wave-Plasma Interactions in the Ionosphere" (Lancaster University, 2016)

Other Interests and Hobbies

Qualified counsellor and psychotherapist.

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