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Claire Hardy supervises 34 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Dr Claire Hardy

Senior Lecturer in Organisational Health and Well Being

Faculty Of Health And Medicine



PhD supervision

Claire is interested in supervising PhD projects in the fields of women's health at work, international assignments and expatriate assignments, developing new scales or measures for occupational settings and populations, evaluating the implementation of interventions in the workplace.


Claire Hardy is Senior Lecturer in Organisational Health and Wellbeing in the Division of Health Research’s Centre for Organisation Health and Wellbeing within the Faculty of Health and Medicine.

She conducts research into several areas of work psychology such as employee/worker wellbeing and psychological resilience, international working and expatriate assignments, and women's health at work. In particular, reproductive health topics including the menopause and premenstrual experiences. Claire also enjoys workplace intervention development and evaluation, as well as developing new psychological measures or scales.

Claire is passionate about creating evidence-based solutions to solve real-world problems at work. She is a mixed methods researcher and enjoys multidisciplinary working in her research and related activities. Claire is registered Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society specialising in occupational psychology. Claire also performs consultancy in her areas of expertise.

Her first degree was in psychology (University of York) followed by a MSc in Occupational Psychology at the Institute of Work, Health and Organisations (University of Nottingham) where she remained and completed her PhD in Applied Psychology in 2011.

Before moving to Lancaster University in 2018 she worked as an academic researcher since 2005 for several institutions, including King’s College London, Aston Business School, Northumbria University, and University of Nottingham.

In 2018, Claire won the 'Excellence in Occupational Psychology Research' award by the British Psychology Society's Division of Occupational Psychology for her work on menopause and women's health within the workplace. 

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