Darren McCabe has published on a number of workplace innovations including Total Quality Management, Business Process Reengineering and Teamwork. He has a broad interest in the cultural conditions of work, power, resistance, identity and subjectivity. He is generally interested in qualitative/ethnographic research and has conducted research in the Financial Services and Manufacturing sectors.
2005, Dr.Chandana Allawattage. The labour process in Sri Lankan Tea Plantations.
2006, Dr.Anita Mangan. The introduction of IT in the Irish Credit Union.
2008, Dr.Mohammed Salem. Obstacles to Economic Development inPalestine.
2009, Dr.Beverley Hawkins. Gender and Teamwork in a Transport Agency.
2012, Dr.Stephanie Russell. A Critique of Institutional Theory in the Passive Fire Protection Industry
Internal PhD Examiner
2002, Dr.Joan Lockyer ‘From Entrapment to emancipation: a critical analysis of ‘rationality’ in
Modern organisational management
2004, Dr. Emma Surman ‘No place like home: mapping place and identity in telework’
2011, Dr.Teresa Oultram ‘Exploring the identities of the Young Male Worker: A Case Study of English Apprenticeship Schemes’
External PhD Examiner
2008, Steven Suckling ‘Organisation, power and Email: An Investigation of Electronic Power Relationships’ Staffordshire University, Stafford,UK.
2011, Vibeke Vad Baunsgaard ‘Dominant Ideological Modes of Rationalities: Cross functional Integration in the Process of Product Innovation’, Centre for Strategic Management and Globalization, Copenhagen Business School,Denmark.
2012, Ole Friis, ‘Strategy-as-Practice – Involving Employees’, Aarhus University, AU Herning, Denmark.