My research interests have focused on cultures of health care work and issues of learning, knowledge and practice. These interests have manifested themselves in previous studies as a focus on decision making and accountability, patient safety and critical incident analysis, diagnostic work and embodied knowledge, collaborative work and human-machine relations in medical work. Theoretically, these interests are informed by science and technology studies, ethnomethodology, medical sociology and anthropology. Methodologically, I have used ethnography, interviews, focus groups and documentary analysis.
I would be interested in supervising social science (especially ethnographic) studies of healthcare work, and around issues of knowledge, evidence and practice.
NHS Inquiries and the problem of culture. Unfunded research.
My teaching responsibilities in the medical degree programme include:
Problem Based Learning I am a PBL tutor for first and second year medical students and Director of the four year PBL programme.
Lectures and Workshops I give lectures on social science aspects of 'Health, Culture and Society' to first and second years, and run workshops on Patient Safety and Qualitative Research Methods for third year medical students.
Special Study Modules and Coursework I contribute to a study skills module in Year 1, in Year 2 I convene an SSM on overdiagnosis. I am a convenenors of the Health, Culture coursework for third year medical students. For my subject, students analyse inquiry reports to explore the concept of 'normalisation of deviance' and the implications for safety this holds.
My research interests and collaborations have resulted in the following academic events:
Organisers: Dawn Goodwin, Maggie Mort and Lucy Suchman
Public Lecture and workshop with Jean Lave, Professor Emeritus, University of California at Berkeley
Workshop: Engaging with Apprenticeship in Critical Ethnographic Practice
23-24th November, 2011, Lancaster University
Organisers: Dawn Goodwin and Maggie Mort
Re-imagining Supervision: Reflections on experience, theory and policy
An interdisciplinary workshop in memory of Tracy Dryden
15th June, 2011, Lancaster University.
Sponsored by Centre for Science Studies and School of Health and Medicine
Organisers: Dawn Goodwin and Monika Buscher
Workshop: Ethnographies of diagnostic work
17-18th April, 2007, Lancaster University
Sponsored by Department of Sociology, Centre for Science Studies, Institute for Health Research, Department of Medicine, Palcom