I am a PhD student in Management Science Department, Lancaster University Management School. My specialization is in computer modelling and simulation. Previously, I worked in various organisations including as a lecturer in Institut Teknologi Bandung, and as an expert in Indonesian Presidential Office. I took part in many research funded by various international bodies such as The British Council, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD). I also did several consultation projects including for PT Pertamina EP (Oil company), Indonesian Bank (central bank), Indonesian ministry of agriculture and PT TELKOM (Telecommunication company). I received my Masters’ degree in Management Science from Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia), submitting a dissertation on the application of Agent-based simulation for school choice policy. Now I am developing data collection methodologies for agent-based computer simulation. During my PhD, I also undertake teaching role and become a mentor in Math and Stats Help Center.
Comparing the Benefits of Scenario Based Questionnaire and Role Playing Game to Calibrate Decision Rules in Agent-Based Simulation
My research focuses on agent-based computer simulation methodology (ABS). ABS model how behaviours of many individuals will eventually affect the system's macroscopic behaviours. Thus, ABS allows us to make behavioural interventions that may lead to more desirable outcomes e.g., higher productivity, effectiveness and efficiency. However, deriving model of behaviour based on empirical data is still a challenge in ABS methodology itself. To provide more insights on this issue, I examine how different data collection methods may lead to different models of behaviour and discuss their effects on ABS validity using a case of agri-food (i.e., dairy) supply chain.
In my research first I propose steps to develop a scenario-based questionnaire and a role-playing game as data collection instruments for ABS. I then calibrate an ABS using behavioural models derived from these two approaches. After comparing the final models' validity, I discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each data collection method.
My research interests are in computer simulation and modelling areas i.e. system dynamics and agent-based simulation. I also interested in the application of computer simulation and modelling e.g. in agriculture, public sector, environment, telecommunication and politics.