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Supervised by

Hanna Schmueck

Research student

Hanna Schmueck

Lancaster University

County South




I am a doctoral researcher in Linguistics at the Department of Linguistics and English Language.
My main research interests are corpus linguistics, data visualisation, collocations, corpus tool development and experimental psycholinguistics.
My PhD research explores the similarities and differences in the organisation and underlying structure of the mental lexicon as compared to everyday (communicative) language; I am using quantitative approaches and graph theory to explore this relationship. The development of a tool for large-scale collocation visualisation is also part of my current research. 

I am also a member of a number of research groups such as UCREL, DisTex and the Trinity Research group.


BA in English, European Ethnology, and Sociology (University of Bamberg, Germany, 2015-2018)
MA in Language and Linguistics (Lancaster University, 2019-2020)

Geoffrey Leech Outstanding MA Student Award in Linguistics and English Language (2020)

PhD Linguistics (Lancaster University, 2020 - ongoing)

Current Teaching

MOOC Corpus Linguistics: Method, Analysis, Interpretation


Past teaching experience:

LING326: Corpus-based English Language Studies

LING315: Forensic Linguistics 

LING228: Child Language Acquisition

Lancaster Summer Schools in Corpus Linguistics

Mentoring: Methods North West

External Roles

I am a Klaus Murmann Doctoral Fellow at Stiftung der deutschen Wirtschaft gGmbH (Foundation of German Business/ UK regional group).

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