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Current Postgraduate Research Students

Heather Brown supervises 15 postgraduate research students. If these students have produced research profiles, these are listed below:

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Professor Heather Brown

Professor of Health Inequalities

Heather Brown

Faculty Of Health And Medicine



Research overview

My research expertise is in applied econometrics.  I am particularly interested in the causes and consequences of health inequalities and evaluating policies that mitigate or excaerbate these inequalities.  I am interested in understanding how both structural level factors and policy impacts on inequalities across generations and the life course.  I am also interested in engaging with a wide range of stakeholders to make complex quantitative data anaylsis accesible and user friendly.  

PhD supervision

I am interested in supervising students in the areas of health inequalities in particular place based, integenerational inequalities, and inequalities across the life course

Research Interests

The causes and consequences of health inequalities including the persistence of inequalities across generations and how the environment contributes to these.  Policy evaluation and linkage of novel datasets.

External Roles

External Examiner for University of South Wales


Additional Information

Member of International Health Economics Association and Lead Convenor of the Teaching Health Economics Group

Member of the Health Economics Study Group

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